Addressing the root causes of homelessness through eviction defense and prevention. If you are facing eviction click here to connect with our Housing Justice staff and attorneys.
Programs focused on family safety, services for victims of crime, legal advice and self-help to achieve a fair, successful outcome in your Pierce County family law case
Legal advice for a range of civil legal issues including family law, housing, criminal records and legal financial obligations, consumer and debt issues
We’ve got your back, Pierce County!
NEW — HOUSING JUSTICE PROJECT IN-PERSON INTAKE HAS MOVED: Monday-Thursday, 1-3 p.m. at 621 Tacoma Ave S, Suite 302. The door on the corner of 6th and Tacoma Ave is no longer an entrance.
GENERAL IN-PERSON INTAKE: Monday-Thursday 1-3 p.m. at 621 Tacoma Ave S., Suite 302.
ONLINE INTAKE: The online intake form for all services is available 24/7.
THE OFFICE IS CLOSED on Fridays and the 3rd Thursday of every month.
In-person intake hours may vary due to unanticipated changes in staff schedules.

The mission of Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers is to combat systemic racism and other forms of discrimination by expanding access to civil legal justice. We provide free holistic legal services, including representation, advice and education to those persons who by reason of poverty are unable to effectively access the legal system.
To further this mission, Tacomaprobono develops and manages a wide variety of service delivery programs, including ongoing cooperative work with other legal aid and social service providers.
Working collaboratively with these organizations, Tacomaprobono identifies and addresses legal need and barriers to access; makes volunteer, educational and support opportunities available to volunteer attorneys, paralegals and students in Pierce County; and works to remove barriers which deny justice to underserved and marginalized individuals and communities by providing efficient, effective legal services addressing both individual client legal issues and systemic issues affecting our diverse client population.